Monday, September 13, 2010

5th Ultra sound

Today was our 5th ultra sound. July 9th, 2010. We had it in the doctor's office. It was the same lady as before but she was really nice this time. Kristen came with us because she has never seen an ultra sound done before. It was so fun to see the baby. You really can't see that much and I couldn't tell what I was looking at the whole time because the screen was so unclear. They don't have as good of equipment as the other place that's why the pictures aren't that good. The lady measured her and right now she weighs about 4 pound 12 ounces, give or take a little. She measured her legs and her legs are over 10 inches! You can't even see her whole leg on the screen. Her head is down and her legs are bent over her head and the lady said she is about 20 inches! Right now she should only be between 17 to 18 inches so she is very long, the lady said she should be long and skinny; hopefully she will be lucky and have that carry on throughout her life. We couldn't get a good picture of her profile or a good 3D picture because she wouldn't move her arm away from her face. We tried changing positions and shaking my stomach but nothing worked. She would not move her arm! It was frustrating but I am happy that everything looks good and we will see her soon enough!


June 28th, 2010

Today I felt the baby have hiccups for the first time. Burke and I had to stay at his parents house because our A/C went out and we laid down around 10:30 and I felt tiny jerks in my belly repeatedly. They were too small and too frequent to be kicks or the baby moving. Burke and I laid there for almost 15 minutes feeling the baby have hiccups. It was so much fun! All of the books I have read and all of the week to week articles on the Internet talk about hiccups and I was sad that I hadn't felt them yet because they can start really early and I am already 32 weeks, so I was thinking I would never feel them. She had hiccups for a long time so after 15 minutes we had to try to go to sleep. I can't wait for her to have hiccups again!

My first Mother's Day!

May 9th, 2010. My first Mother's Day!!!

For Mother's Day I got the crib. Burke seemed really mad that he bought me the crib and I couldn't understand why. I finally asked him why he was so mad that he bought me the crib for Mother's Day, after all that doesn't really count as a present because it's not for me it is for the baby and it is something that we have to get anyway. He said, "Why do you need a crib if the baby can't sleep in it for a year?" I was like what are you talking about??? I was so confused! He said they can't sleep in a crib anyway because they can suffocate. Babies can't sleep with blankets or stuffed animals in the crib because they can't wake up if they can't breathe until they are 12 months old. He got that confused with they can't sleep in a crib for a year. I asked him, "Where do you think they would sleep?" He thought they would sleep in the bassinet, babies can only sleep in a bassinet for 2 maybe 3 months. I just started laughing. I asked him if he was scared about being a dad because he really knows NOTHING about babies!! Yikes! He just said it is a good thing that I am staying home with the baby and not him. I will definitely have to watch him with this baby at all times! He also got me a cute outfit that I actually really wanted from Babies R Us that he didn't even know I wanted. He has good taste and I am happy about that.

We went to church and our little 4 year old's sang to all the moms and I cried thought the whole thing. After church we went to Linda's house and gave her her presents. Linda and Doug gave me Mother's Day presents and Doug gave me a card, he was the only one and I really appreciated that he thought of that. I knew Linda would get me a gift, she always does but it was nice that Doug that of that all on his own. Even Burke didn't get me a card.We talked to Shad and ate dinner.

It was a very fun Mother's Day. I can't wait until next year when I can celebrate Mother's day with this little baby. My belly is growing and I can feel her moving around a lot.

Going to the hospital

May 6th, 2010

I had to go to the hospital today because this little baby hasn't been moving. I went swimming on Monday and the pool was pretty cold, Kayli wouldn't even get in. It is now Thursday and I haven't been feeling this baby move. I thought I might have given the baby hypothermia so I called the doctor. I told them that I didn't want to over react so I waited a few days to call. They told me to do a kick test. You have to drink something really sweet and cold and lay on your side for an hour and count how many times the baby kicks. They said is she moved less than 10 times in an hour that I had to go to the hospital. I tried not to get too worried and I went and laid down in the corporate apartment at work and called Burke to let him know what was going on. I drank a naked juice and a lot of ice cold water. The baby moved 2 times in the hour so the lady at the doctor's office told me to go to the hospital. I was freaking out a little bit more because I knew the baby had a cyst on her brain and I didn't know if there was something wrong. Burke met me at the hospital and they tried to find the baby's heart beat. They couldn't find the heart beat with the normal thing and then I really started to get nervous. Another nurse came in to help her and she said that was used for bigger babies and that is probably why we couldn't find the heart beat. They got a smaller one that is used at the doctor's office and they said the heartbeat sounded normal. I left the hospital and went home so I could pay more attention to her moving. 4 hours later I felt her start moving again and I changed my doctor's appointment up so we could make sure everything is ok. This little baby is making me worried!

4th Ultra sound

Our 4th ultra sound was April 2nd, 2010. It was AMAZING how much we could see and how much this little baby is growing. In the first picture you can see that her mouth is open and you can see her little tongue. We could actually see her drinking the amniotic fluid. We could see every part of her brain and the way the blood was moving in and out of the umbilical cord. We could see that she had urine in her bladder and amniotic fluid in her kidneys. We could see the heart beating and the way the blood was moving in and out of the heart. We had them take a few pictures that are 3D and the baby looks like a little monster! It was cool to see her hand move across her face in 3D; it actually looked like a real hand. They confirmed we are having a girl and that she is healthy. After our 3rd ultra sound we found out that the baby has a cyst on her brain, and it is still there. They said it is nothing to worry about and they are 99% sure that it will go away. They said the brain and everything else look good so that we should not worry at all. It was a fun ultra sound!

3rd Ultra sound

Our 3rd ultra sound was March 19th, 2010. IT'S A GIRL!!! We didn't go to our normal place; we went to the doctor's office to have the third ultra sound done. The lady that did the ultra sound was extremely rude! I was in such a bad mood getting it done because we were so excited and she completely ruined our experience. The equipment they had was not nearly as good as our regular place so we could barely see anything. This little baby was being so stubborn. She was lying on her right side with her back towards us so we couldn't see anything. She finally moved and the technician said we are having a girl! It took almost 30 minutes to get the picture. I would have been so mad if we went there and wouldn't have been able to find out what we were having, mostly because the lady was so rude and the rest of the day everyone would have asked if we found out. After we were done I wasn't even excited because the lady made me so mad. We walked out of the room and down the hall and then we got excited and hugged each other and couldn't stop laughing. I am so happy we are having a girl, especially because I was right since the beginning! It was my motherly instinct. I knew as soon as I found out I was pregnant I was having a girl and I LOVE to be right! When I got in the car I called mom and Linda and told them we are having a girl and they are both so excited!

Boy or Girl???

Before we found out what we were having we asked everyone... Boy or girl???

Burke and I both guessed girl.
Mom-Boy, Dad-never guessed, Grandma- Girl, Todd-Girl, Wendy- Girl, Melanie- Boy, Mindy- Girl, Mike- Girl, Brittanie- Girl, Amy- Girl.
Linda- Girl. Doug- Girl, Grandma- Girl, Shad- Girl, Kelsi- Boy, Cody- Boy, Kayli- Girl.
Kristen- Girl

Girl=15 Boy=4

2nd Ultra sound

Our second ultra sound was February 11th, 2010. Burke and I went in for the baby's 1st trimester screening. That checks the fluid on the back of the neck to see if the baby could have Down-syndrome and other health problems. Right now the baby is only 2 inches. When the technician was taking the pictures she said, "Wow the baby is holding really still. I didn't know the baby would even be moving around when it is so tiny and all the sudden the baby started to kick and move all over and throw its head back. It was so much fun to watch our little baby moving around so much! The lady kept calling the baby peanut and in some of the pictures it looks like the baby is waiving!

1st Ultra sound

Our first ultra sound was January 7th, 2010. We were surprised that we were even going to get to do an ultra sound this early because the doctor said we couldn't see anything this early or hear the heart beat. We went to the appointment and had the nicest technician. We not only got to see our little baby but we got to hear and SEE the heart beating! It was the most amazing thing to see the heart beat. Burke and I just laughed and listened to the tech call our little baby peanut. It made the pregnancy more official and exciting to know the heart is healthy and beating strong.