Monday, September 13, 2010

Going to the hospital

May 6th, 2010

I had to go to the hospital today because this little baby hasn't been moving. I went swimming on Monday and the pool was pretty cold, Kayli wouldn't even get in. It is now Thursday and I haven't been feeling this baby move. I thought I might have given the baby hypothermia so I called the doctor. I told them that I didn't want to over react so I waited a few days to call. They told me to do a kick test. You have to drink something really sweet and cold and lay on your side for an hour and count how many times the baby kicks. They said is she moved less than 10 times in an hour that I had to go to the hospital. I tried not to get too worried and I went and laid down in the corporate apartment at work and called Burke to let him know what was going on. I drank a naked juice and a lot of ice cold water. The baby moved 2 times in the hour so the lady at the doctor's office told me to go to the hospital. I was freaking out a little bit more because I knew the baby had a cyst on her brain and I didn't know if there was something wrong. Burke met me at the hospital and they tried to find the baby's heart beat. They couldn't find the heart beat with the normal thing and then I really started to get nervous. Another nurse came in to help her and she said that was used for bigger babies and that is probably why we couldn't find the heart beat. They got a smaller one that is used at the doctor's office and they said the heartbeat sounded normal. I left the hospital and went home so I could pay more attention to her moving. 4 hours later I felt her start moving again and I changed my doctor's appointment up so we could make sure everything is ok. This little baby is making me worried!

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